Dragon Boat Race Returns
6/1/2020 10:11:52 PM

The Dragon Boat Race Event is back! This classic event is here to get you on the oars, racing the clock while fending off any that would slow you down. With a variety of tempting prizes and a challenge that requries the very best in teamwork, get together with your friends and claim your rewards! Check out the details below.
Dragon Boat Race Event
Event Dates: Thursday, June 4th, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 25th, Before Maintenance
Event Details
- Head to the northern-most dock in Courcle, just west of the La Terra Highlands.
- Fill up a party and speak to the Native Dockmaster to request a Raft Craft, creating a Dragon Boat.
- Man the oars! The more party members on the oars, the faster it will go!
- Be on your guard: Hobgoblins are on the prowl, and will board your Dragon Boat to attack your party and slow you down.
- Complete the race in under 8 minutes to claim a Dragon Boat Race Prize!
Dragon Boat Race Prize Items
Each Dragon Boat Race Prize contains one of the following items, awarded randomly:
- Phoenix Knight Outfit (M)
- Phoenix Knight Outfit (F)
- Phoenix Knight Bracelet (M)
- Phoenix Knight Bracelet (F)
- Phoenix Knight Shoes (M)
- Phoenix Knight Shoes (F)
- Phoenix Knight Headpiece (M)
- Phoenix Knight Headpiece (F)
- Phoenix Ear Muffs
- Erinn Union Scout Bag
- Erinn Union Scout Outfit (M)
- Erinn Union Scout Stocking Outfit (M)
- Erinn Union Scout Outfit (F)
- Erinn Union Scout Stocking Outfit (F)
- Erinn Union Scout Hat
- Erinn Union Scout Wig (M)
- Erinn Union Scout Hatted Wig (M)
- Erinn Union Scout Wig (F)
- Erinn Union Scout Hatted Wig (F)
- Erinn Union Scout Shoes (M)
- Erinn Union Scout Shoes (F)
- Majestic Knight Armor (M)
- Majestic Knight Armor (F)
- Majestic Knight Gauntlets (M)
- Majestic Knight Gauntlets (F)
- Majestic Knight Boots (M)
- Majestic Knight Boots (F)
- Majestic Knight Wig (M)
- Majestic Knight Wig (F)