Spirit Ascension with Eiry
Event Dates: Thursday, December 12th, After Maintenance - Friday, January 17th 11:59 PM PST
- During the event, you will receive the quest, "[Guide] Spirit Sent by Eiry".
- Find the NPC Lennon in Dunbarton.
- Register a main character with Lennon.
- You can only register one character per account.
- Once registered, Lennon will give you the Eiry Attendance Book.
- Stay logged in for 36 minutes each day to receive a gift.
Event Prizes:
- Day 1: Spirit Ascension Celebration Gem Gift Box
- Day 2: Spirit Ascension Celebration Potion Gift Box
- Day 3: AP Potion (Event)
- Day 4: Spirit Ascension Celebration Gem Gift Box
- Day 5: Full Recovery Potion (Event) x5
- Day 6: Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass
- Day 7: Lucky Check Box
- Day 8: Spirit Ascension Celebration Potion Gift Box
- Day 9: AP Potion (Event)
- Day 10: Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
- Day 11: Direct Metal Dye Ampoule
- Day 12: Fan Club President Title Coupon (Luck +30)
- Day 13: Direct Dye Ampoule (Event)
- Day 14: Lucky Check Box
- Day 15: AP Potion (Event)
- Day 16: Lunch Box Delivery Expert Title Coupon (Luck +30)
- Day 17: Spirit Ascension Celebration Potion Gift Box
- Day 18: Enchant Protection Potion
- Day 19: Spirit Ascension Celebration Gem Gift Box x3
- Day 20: Bling Bling Title Coupon (Luck +30)
- Day 21: Lucky Check Box
- Day 22: Baltane Elite Mission Pass Selection Box
- Day 23: Spirit Ascension Celebration Potion Gift Box x3
- Day 24: Perfect Skill Reset Capsule (Event)
- Day 25: AP Potion (Event)
- Day 26: (Max Attack +12, Magic Attack +8, Critical +5%, Luck +30, Movement Speed +2%)
- Day 27: Lucky Check Box
- Day 28: Protective Blue Upgrade Stone (Event)
- Day 29: Protective Red Upgrade Stone (Event)
- Day 30:
- Day 31: Spirit Ascension Celebration Gem Gift Box x5
- Day 32: Spirit Ascension Celebration Potion Gift Box x5
- Day 33: Spirit Ascension Celebration Gem Gift Box x5
- Day 34: Spirit Ascension Celebration Potion Gift Box x5
- Day 35: AP Potion (Event)

Daily Quests
- After registering a character, you will receive the daily quest, "[Daily] Level up a Spirit Weapon once".
- When you complete the daily quest, you will receive the following rewards:
- 10,000 EXP
- Spirit Ascension Celebration Gift Box
- You can only receive the daily quest once a day.
- The day resets at 7:00 AM PST.
Challenge Quests
- You will receive 4 challenge quests as well.
- The quests and rewards are the following:
- [Challenge] Level a Spirit Weapon to 20 - 10,000 EXP, Spirit Ascension Celebration Gift Box x3
- [Challenge] Level a Spirit Weapon to 40 - 10,000 EXP, Spirit Ascension Celebration Gift Box x6
- [Challenge] Level a Spirit Weapon to 60 - 10,000 EXP, Spirit Ascension Celebration Gift Box x9
- [Challenge] Level a Spirit Weapon to 80 - 10,000 EXP, Spirit Ascension Celebration Gift Box x12
Spirit Ascension Celebration Gift Box
- Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Flame)
- Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Flare)
- Spirit Transformation Liqueur (Feather)
- Female Sword Spirit Wings
- Male Sword Spirit Wings
- Female Bow Spirit Wings
- Male Bow Spirit Wings
- Female Wand Spirit Wings
- Male Wand Spirit Wings
- Female Blunt Weapon Spirit Wings
- Male Blunt Weapon Spirit Wings
- Female Cylinder Spirit Wings
- Male Cylinder Spirit Wings
- Briogh Crystals of Achievement
- Briogh Crystals of Challenge
- Briogh Crystals of Discipline
- Virtuous Briogh Crystals of Achievement
- Noble Briogh Crystals of Challenge
- Glorious Briogh Crystals of Discipline
- Imp Mini Potion
- Age Potion - Age 9
- Age Potion - Age 10
- Age Potion - Age 11
- Age Potion - Age 12
- Age Potion - Age 13
- Age Potion - Age 14
- Age Potion - Age 15
- Age Potion - Age 16
- Age Potion - Age 17
- Age Potion - Age 18
- Pet Age Potion - Age 1
- Pet Age Potion - Age 2
- Pet Age Potion - Age 3
- Pet Age Potion - Age 4
- Pet Age Potion - Age 5
- Full Recovery Potion x5
- Nao's Soul Stone (Event)
- Protection/DEF Buff Potion (Event)
- Stamina Buff Potion (Event)
- MP Buff Potion (Event)
- HP Buff Potion (Event)
- Mysterious Elephant Statue
- Mysterious Sundial Artifact
- Mysterious Dragon Statue
- Alchemy 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Martial Arts 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Dual Gun 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Puppetry 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Music 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Ninja 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Life 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Magic 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Close Combat 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradeable)
- Special Tendering Potion S (Event)
- Production Failure Potion (Event)
- Special Tendering Potion (Event)
- Name/Chat Color Change Potion
- Party Phoenix Feather (Event)
- Potion of Proficiency (Event)
- Red Upgrade Stone (Event)
- Blue Upgrade Stone (Event)
- Topaz
- Star Sapphire
- Emerald
- Aquamarine
- Garnet
- Jasper
- Ruby
- Spinel
- Diamond
- Heliodor
- Bloodstone
- Jade
- Tourmaline
- Pink Sapphire
- Jet
- Opal
- Phantom Quartz
- Tanzanite
- Ametrine
- Green Heliodor
- Red Heliodor
Spirit Ascension Pre-event
Event Dates: Thursday, December 5th, After Maintenance - Thursday, December 19th, Before Maintenance
- During the event, you will receive the quest, "[Guide] Spirit Ascension Celebration Event".
- Find the NPC Lyla in Dunbarton.
- Register a main character with Lyla.
- You can only register one character per account.
- Once registered, Lyla will give you a Spirit Ascension Pre-registration Ticket.
- Stay logged in for 36 minutes each day to activate a daily gift.
- When the Spirit Ascension update goes live, you'll be able to claim the gifts that have been activated.
- You can receive the following rewards:
- Elemental Remover x5
- Magical Spirit Stone x1
- Spirit Liqueur x1
- Regular Gem Powder x30
- Fine Gem Powder x10
- Potent Regular Gem Powder x5
- The day resets at 12:00 AM PST.
Spirit Ascension Event
Event Dates: Thursday, December 12th, After Maintenance - Thursday, December 19th, Before Maintenance
- If you registered a main character for the Spirit Ascension Pre-event, you are automatically registered for the Spirit Ascension Event.
- If you did not register for the Spirit Ascension Pre-event, you can still register with Lyla in Dunbarton.
- Register a main character with Lyla.
- You can only register one character per account.
- Once registered (if you were not previously registered), you will receive a Spirit Ascension Update Celebration Ticket.
- Stay logged in for 36 minutes each day to activate a daily gift.
- You can receive the following rewards:
- Ametrine x1, Opal x1, Red Heliodor x1
- Bloodstone x1, Heliodor x1, Jade x1
- Tanzanite x1, Pink Sapphire x1, Tourmaline x1
- Jet x1, Phantom Quartz x1, Green Heliodor x1
- If you give the new gems to your Spirit Weapon, they will give as much EXP as a Diamond!
- Each Spirit has a preferred gem so be sure to save them for the Spirit Ascension update.
- You can claim your reward every day during the event period.
- Once the event period is over, you can no longer claim any rewards.
- The day resets at 12:00 AM PST.
Erg Booster Event
Event Dates: Thursday, December 5th, After Maintenance - Thursday, December 19th, Before Maintenance
- When you first log in during the event, you will receive an Erg Infusion Catalyst Booster Coupon as well as a Lv. 10 Erg Infusion Catalyst.
- Every day afterwards, you will receive an Erg Infusion Catalyst Booster Coupon.
- Use the coupon to boost the Erg Infusion Catalyst by 1, up to Lv. 20.
- The Erg Infusion Catalyst will expire in 15 days, however, each boost will reset the timer back to 15 days.
- You can use the Erg Infusion Catalyst to infuse weapons with Erg, up to the current level of the Catalyst.
- If there is no boostable Catalyst available, you will be given an AP 5 Potion instead.
- The day resets at 12:00 AM PST.
Please Note: There is currently a text error on the description of the Erg Infusion Catalyst. It currently states that you cannot use the item on a weapon with a higher Erg level. However, you cannot also use the item on a weapon with the same Erg level either. This text error will be corrected in a future patch. We apologize for the inconvenience.