The Little Orphan Alyn Event
4/19/2018 12:00:00 AM

Kristell needs your help to take care of an orphan girl named Alyn that was left at the church. Head to Dunbarton to register as Alyn's foster parent, and help her grow up to be someone amazing! Check out the full details here!
The Little Orphan Alyn Event
Event Dates: Thursday, April 19, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 10, Before Maintenance
Event Details:
- Travel to Dunbarton, and talk to Kristell to register a main character to be Alyn's new foster parent.
- Talk to Alyn after registering a main character to motivate her to become someone amazing!
- You can choose between dance lessons, life skill lessons, or combat lessons.
- Each choice will impact what Alyn will be when she grows up.
- You can receive a 2nd title depending on which job Alyn goes into.
- Help Alyn do her music, life, and combat lessons five times each to receive a Super Parent 1st Title depending on your character's gender.
- Another quest will unlock once the you complete the quest "[Event] Girl's Dream Come True."
- When gathering eggs, huge lucky finishes will not count.
- If you have another gathering quest in progress that matches the event quest requirement, you must give up or finish the quest first.
- When gathering wool, it must be gathered with a gathering knife only.
Title Details:
- Super Parent 1st Title: Will +10, STR +10, and Max Stamina +80.
- Quilted Memories 2nd Title: STR +10, DEX +10, and Music Buff Skill Effect +3.
- Professional Chef 2nd Title: DEX +10, and Max Stamina +100.
- Royal Guard 2nd Title: STR +20, Max HP +20, and Dex -20.
- Musical Star 2nd Title: Max HP +20, and Music Buff Skill Effect +1.