Golden Pig Sale
3/8/2017 12:00:00 AM

The Golden Pig is back on sale. Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, this little piggy eats up gold and explodes in a shower of gold and special items, pick him up for the next two weeks!
Golden Pig
Sale Dates: Wednesday, Mar. 8 - Tuesday, Mar. 21
Golden Pig
Golden Pig Details
- Special Abilities:
- Grows in size as it is fed money
- Once the Golden Pig becomes large enough, exploding with items and gold before returning back to its original size
- Summon Time: 113 Minutes
- Additional Details:
- HP: 46
- MP: 43
- Stamina: 47
- Strength: 17
- Intelligence: 20
- Dexterity: 17
- Will: 26
- Luck: 30
- Defense: 0
- Protect: 2.0
- Speed Rating (Run): 66
- Inventory Size: 6 x 6