Say Hello to Alto!
1/12/2017 12:00:00 AM

A brand new harmony has spread across the lands of Erinn, and a new friend has been drawn to join the festivities of MusicQ. Meet the friendly Centaur Alto, master of the Lyre, with the Global Premier sale of his Pet Card and take flight thanks to Alto's magical music!
Alto Pet Card
Sale Dates: Thursday, Jan. 12 - Tuesday, Jan. 24
Alto Details
- Special Abilities:
- Merry Melodies (Active): Deals 400-500 damage to all enemies within 8 meters of Alto
- Dance Party (Summon): Stuns and deals 400-500 damage to all enemies within 8 meters of the Summon location
- Attack Speed Buff (Summon): Increases Attack Speed by 0.3 for 15 seconds
- Movement Speed Buff (Summon): Increases Movement Speed by 60% for 15 seconds
- Summon Time: 130 Minutes
- Alto can fly in valid locations, lifting the Milletian in a mystical Music Bubble
- Additional Details:
- HP: 400
- MP: 200
- Stamina: 300
- Strength: 100
- Intelligence: 5
- Dexterity: 45
- Will: 45
- Luck: 30
- Defense: 20
- Protect: 20
- Speed Rating (Fly / Run): 425 / 380
- Inventory Size: 8 x 10