Utawarerumono x Mabinogi - Gachapon, Shuffle and Kokopo!
12/15/2016 12:00:00 AM

You've enjoyed the Utawarerumono Shuffle and the huge bird Kokopo, now it's time to grab the wigs, tails and weapons of Utawarerumono with the Utawarerumono Gachapon! This Gachapon is the only place to claim these unique items, so pick it up while you can, and don't forget to take a spin on the Utawarerumono Shuffle to pick up those Ainu and Japanese styled outfits or gobble up the biggest bird in Mabinogi!
And if you don't love the outfits below, don't fret: All Utawarerumono items can be dyed, including Outfits, Wigs, Tails and even Kokopo! Just pick it up while you can, because once Utawarerumono departs from Erinn, it won't return!
Table of Contents
Utawarerumono Gachapon
Sale Dates: Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2016 - Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017
Utawarerumono Gachapon (1)
Utawarerumono Gachapon (11)

Utawarerumono Gachapon Details
- Haku's Fan
- Nosuri's Bow
- Atui's Lance
- Nekone's Wand
- Wiggling Kuon's Ears
- Wiggling Rurutie's Ears
- Wiggling Nosuri's Ears
- Wiggling Atui's Ears
- Wiggling Nekone's Ears
- Haku's Wig
- Ukon's Wig
- Kuon's Wig
- Rurutie's Wig
- Nosuri's Wig
- Atui's Wig
- Nekone's Wig
- Fluffy Kuon Tail
- Fluffy Rurutie Tail
- Fluffy Nekone Tail
- Kitsune Hagi Mini-Gem
- Tanuki Anju Mini-Gem
- Hagi's Wig
- Anju's Wig
- Kitsune Headband
- Tanuki Headband
- Spinning Propeller Headband
- Wiggling Droopy Dog Ear Headband
- Wiggling Folded Dog Ear Headband
- Wiggling Bear Ear Headband
- Wiggling Sheep Ear Headband
- Wiggling Majestic Stag Headband
- Bell Fox Outfit (M)
- Bell Fox Outfit (F)
- Bell Fox Cap
- Bell Fox Gloves (M)
- Bell Fox Shoes (M)
- Bell Fox Gloves (F)
- Bell Fox Shoes (F)
- Cessair's Commander Outfit
- Cessair Officer Robe
- Cessair Gloves
- Cessair's Boots
- Black Star
- The Black Mask's Staff
- Black Dragon Knight's Bow
- Black Dragon Knight's Giant Sword
- Holy Eagle Mask
- All Skill Reset Capsule (Tradable)
- Krutta Broad Sword
- Merlin's Shyllien Mana Knuckle (Rank 2)
- Rebis Guard Cylinder (Rank 2)
- Sun Prophet Colt
- Liberty Saber
- Valkyrie Shield
- Glorious Highlander Long Bow
- Broken Arrow Crossbow
- Moist Ripple Tidal Wave Cylinder
- Two Handed Sword Offered to Goddess of Lich War
- Rigid Professor's Beholder's Shield
- Andris Wing Staff
- Devil Slayer
- Barbaric Fox Scythe
- Shield of Avon
- Guard Cylinder
- Eweca, Ladeca, and Palala Spell Book
- Teeny Nao
- Blacksmith Manual - Dragon Slasher
- Blacksmith Manual - Oriental Bracelet
- Focused White Beam Sword
- Focused Green Beam Sword
- Focused Blue Beam Sword
- Focused Red Beam Sword
- Pet Character Training Kit
- Commerce Reforging Tool
- Advanced Reforging Tool
- Lorna Balloon (5 times)
- Pan Balloon (5 times)
- Full Recovery Potion
- Combat 2x EXP Potion (2 hrs)
- Protection/DEF Buff Potion
- Assorted Training Potions
- Assorted Chat Bubbles
- Assorted Drama and Shadow Crystals (Tradable)
- Assorted Free Repair Kits
Kokopo Pet Card
Sale Dates: Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016 - Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017
Kokopo Details
- New Kokopo Abilities:
- Kokopo Wave: When Summoned, Kokopo will damage all enemies within 8m for 250-300 and stun them for 3.6 seconds
- Kokopo Strike: Kokopo uses his massive bulk and slams into the enemy, dealing damage to all foes around
- Summon Time: 130 Minutes
- Kokopo is a few hundred pounds too heavy to fly, but can be mounted by two Milletians!
- Additional Details:
- HP: 320
- MP: 70
- Stamina: 120
- Strength: 60
- Intelligence: 50
- Dexterity: 45
- Will: 45
- Luck: 30
- Defense: 15
- Protect: 20
- Inventory Size: 8 x 10
Utawarerumono Shuffle
Sale Dates: Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016 - Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017
Utawarerumono: The False Faces Shuffle Card
Shuffle Card Details:
- After purchasing, right-click and use the Shuffle Card in your inventory, the potential items to obtain will be shown to you for 3 seconds
- Afterwards, the cards will be shuffled and you will be asked to select one, rewarding you with that prize
- Utawarerumono Outfits can only be found in the Utawarerumono Shuffle cards
Utawarerumono: The False Faces Shuffle Card Rewards:
- Kokopo Chair for Two (Unique to the Utawarerumono Shuffle Cards!)
- Atui Outfit Set
- Haku Outfit Set
- Kuon Outfit Set
- Nekone Outfit Set
- Nosuri Outfit Set
- Oshutoru Outfit Set
- Rurutie Outfit Set
- Ukon Outfit Set