Couple Breaker Event
2/11/2015 10:00:00 AM

Hanson the Handsome and Joanna of the Low Standards are madly in love, but is it a love worth fighting for? These two soulmates have their share of complications, and it's up to you to decide if they belong together.
Event Dates:
Thursday, Feb. 12 - Wednesday, March 11
Event Details:
Daily Quest: Talk to Hanson the Handsome in Dunbarton and choose to either fulfill his love-drenched desires or shatter his sham of a relationship.
Think carefully if you're a champion of love or if you're cheering for heartbreak, each choice has a different set of rewards, which may include:
- Proposal Balloon (#5)
- 1,000 Sharp Arrow or 1,000 Sharp Bolt bundles
- Couple Breaker 2nd Title Coupon
- Statue of Love (special chair)
- Red or Blue Upgrade Stones
- Gems, Dye Ampoules, Potions and more!