Costume Fishing Event

EVENTS 1/29/2014 1:35:22 PM
Why are there so many clothes floating in Erinn’s lakes and seas? How did they get there? What effect will the saltwater have on the fabric’s integrity? WILL THE COLORS FADE?!

Head over to Simon, the Dunbarton tailor, to unravel this bizarre mystery. Learn how you can fish these fine threads out of the water and claim them as your own.

Event Dates:
February 4th - February 25th

Event Details:
  • Talk to Simon about getting some Costume Bait Feeders. Your first 100 are free!
  • More can be purchased from Walter in Dunbarton.
  • Go fishing with your new feeders for the chance to earn a variety of cool costumes, including...
    • Flight Attendant Outfit set pieces
    • Pilot Outfit set pieces
    • Police Outfit set pieces
    • China 7th Anniversary Outfit set pieces
    • Bunny Outfit set pieces
    • Cat Cape Outfit set pieces
    • and much more!

Hurry and get fishing! It's only a matter of time before Erinn's sea life gets a fashion sense. Turtles in tuxedos? Preposterous!