Holiday Snowball Fight Event
12/19/2012 2:11:06 PM
Winter can be such a cold, drab month, full of chilly winds and snow storms. Let us take advantage of these ravaging winter blizzards with a good old fashion snowball fight! From
Decemeber 20th to January 10th, 2013 grab yourself 2 teams of 8 people each to start the fun! The goal of the event is to overtake the other team's snowman first. Each time you win you will receive 1
Caravan Joe's Box Piece. Players who complete the
Daily Quest will also obtain 1 box piece and a +5 AP Potion. Once you obtain 5 pieces you will get a complete
Prize Box!

Prize Box Reward list:
Ice Crown(M)
Ice Crown(F)
Smile Knuckle
Magic Speed Potion (30 min.)
Emergency Escape B+ Bomb (Event)
Party Phoenix Feather (Event)
Double Life Skill EXP Potion (Event)
Double Combat Skill EXP Potion (Event)
Double Magic Skill EXP Potion (Event)
Double Alchemy Skill EXP Potion (Event)
Name/Chat Color Change Potion (Event)
Special High Speed Gathering Potion (Event)
Special Tendering Potion (Event)
Heart Eyepatch
Heart Eyepatch (Elf)
Movement Speed 30% Boost Potion (10 min)
Movement Speed 30% Boost Potion (5 min)
Tin Potion
Fragments of Falias
Poison Sniper Enchant
Traveler's Enchant
Freshman's Enchant
Small Enchant
Vicious Enchant
Fixed Color Dye Ampoule (Real Red)
Fixed Color Dye Ampoule (Green)
Fixed Color Dye Ampoule (Blue)
The Mabinogi Team