The Shining Hearts Event
8/7/2020 12:02:08 AM

Katell needs your help to find the perfect gift for Pinkie. Complete missions for the Spirits to earn Glittering Marbles and other Fynn rewards. Check out the details below.
The Shining Hearts Event
Event Dates: Thursday, August 13th, After Maintenance - Thursday, September 3rd, Before Maintenance
Event Details
- Note: Some quests during this event require you to enter Mag Mell. Please check out the Pet Trainer Guide to start the Pet Trainer storyline to obtain the Pet Trainer skills and be eligible to enter Mag Mell.
- During the event, you will receive the quest, [Guide] For A Far-Away Friend.
- Talk to the Katell in Dunbarton.
- Register a main character with Katell.
- You can only register one character per account.
- Once completed, you will receive the following rewards:
- All event quests and items will be deleted at the end of the event.
The Glittering Gift
- Talk to Katell to start [Event] The Glittering Gift.
- Find and talk to the six Spirits.
- Helpful Tip: You can use CTRL + Click if it is difficult to click on any of the Spirits.
- After greeting all six Spirits, the Spirit Quests are unlocked.
- Deliver 12 Glittering Marbles to Katell.
- You earn Glittering Marbles by completing Spirit Quests.
- Once completed, you will receive the following rewards:
Spirit Quest
- After greeting all six Spirits in [Event] The Glittering Gift, you can visit the Spirits once a day to receive a quest. Oidhche's Quest is only available on Saturday and Sunday.
- During the week (Monday - Friday), each day you can select a quest for Talamh, Teine, Gaoth, Uisce, or Solas. Once you have received a quest from a Spirit, you will be unable to receive another quest from a different Spirit.
- On Saturday and Sunday, each day you can select one quest from Talamh, Teine, Gaoth, Uisce, or Solas AND Oidhche's quest.
- Spirit Quests reset daily at 7:00 AM PDT.
- Daily quests do not get removed the next day. They are removed after the event ends.
- You cannot do the same quest at the same time.
- You can only do one quest per Spirit per week, except for Oidhche's quest which can be completed once on Saturday and once on Sunday. This resets each Thursday at 7:00 AM PDT.
Talamh's Mini Marble
- Talk to Talamh to start this quest.
- Blossom a Fynni Pet one time via Fynni Blossoming.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- Glittering Marble x1
- Gift Box of the Five Spirits x1
- Glittering Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Talamh's Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Fynni Blossoming Skill Training Seal (30) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
Teine's Mini Marble
- Talk to Teine to start this quest.
- Use Fynn Crafting to craft a pet food item.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- Glittering Marble x1
- Gift Box of the Five Spirits x1
- Glittering Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Teine's Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Fynn Crafting Skill Training Seal (30) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
Gaoth's Mini Marble
- Talk to Gaoth to start this quest.
- Obtain Fynni Gems five times via Fynni Catching.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- Glittering Marble x1
- Gift Box of the Five Spirits x1
- Glittering Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Gaoth's Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Fynn Catching Skill Training Seal (30) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
Uisce's Mini Marble
- Talk to Uisce to start this quest.
- Attempt Fynn Syncing one time.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- Glittering Marble x1
- Gift Box of the Five Spirits x1
- Glittering Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Uisce's Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Fynn Sync Skill Training Seal (30) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
Solas's Mini Marble
- Talk to Solas to start this quest.
- Perform Fynn Bead Burnishing one time.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- Glittering Marble x1
- Gift Box of the Five Spirits x1
- Glittering Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Solas's Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
- Fynn Bead Burnishing Skill Training Seal (30) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Trades Allowed: 1)
Oidhche's Mini Marble
- Oidhche's Mini Marble quest is only available when talking to Oidhche during the weekend. You can complete this quest once on Saturday and once on Sunday.
- The quest resets at 7:00 AM PDT.
- To complete the quest, clear one of the Mag Mell Missions (Forest of Four Seasons or Dynamic Lands) on any difficulty.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- Oidhche's Special Gift Box x1
- Glittering Marble (10) (Event) (Expires: 30 Days) (Allowable Trades: 1)
Glittering Marble Notes
- Glittering Marble (10) (Event) increases the Training EXP of the Fynn Pet Mastery skill without having to perform a Fynn Sync.
- The Spirit's Glittering Marbles (10) are element based and will only raise the Training EXP of the Fynn Pet Mastery if your pet has the same element as the marble.
You will randomly receive one of the following items when using Katell's Gift Box.
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Floral Shield
(You can manifest the power of the Flower Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Healing Bubble
(You can manifest the power of the Bubble Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Fynni Punch
(You can manifest the power of the Punching Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Rush of Wind
(You can manifest the power of the Gust Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Pulling Force
(You can manifest the power of the Vector Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Repelling Force
(You can manifest the power of the Vector Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Floral Shield
(You can manifest the power of the Flower Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Healing Bubble
(You can manifest the power of the Bubble Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Fynni Punch
(You can manifest the power of the Punching Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Rush of Wind
(You can manifest the power of the Gust Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Pulling Force
(You can manifest the power of the Vector Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Repelling Force
(You can manifest the power of the Vector Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- Pet Rebirth Potion (Event) (Expires: 7 Days)
- Glimmering Golden Supplement (Expires: 7 Days)
- Golden Supplement (Expires: 7 Days)
You will randomly receive one of the following items when using the Gift Box of the Five Spirits.
- Harmonious Cosmos Perfume
- Transformative Aster Perfume
- *New* Courageous Borage Perfume
(Increases the number of Fynn Bead slots from 1 to 2)
- *New* Potent Courageous Borage Perfume
(Increases the number of Fynn Bead slots from 2 to 3)
- Bonding Violet Perfume
- Potent Bonding Violet Perfume
- *New* Mag Mell Mission Pass - Forest of Four Seasons (Hard) (Expires: 7 Days) (Allowable Trades: 1)
(Use this pass to visit the deeper areas of the Forest of Four Seasons.)
- *New* Mag Mell Mission Pass - Dynamic Lands (Hard) (Expires: 7 Days) (Allowable Trades: 1)
(Use this pass to visit the deeper areas of the Dynamic Lands.)
- Heliodor (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Bloodstone (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Jade (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Tourmaline (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Pink Sapphire (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Jet (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Opal (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Phantom Quartz (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Tanzanite (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Ametrine (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Green Heliodor (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Red Heliodor (Size: 5.0 cm)
- Diamond (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Topaz (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Star Sapphire (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Emerald (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Aquamarine (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Garnet (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Jasper (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Ruby (Size: 10.0 cm)
- Spinel (Size: 10.0 cm)
You will randomly receive one of the following items when using Oidhche's Special Gift Box.
(Place this figure on your Homestead for a little boost to your stats (Luck +5, Max Damage +3). Effects cannot be stacked. The stat increase will disappear if this item is removed from the Homestead.)
(Place this figure on your Homestead for a little boost to your stats (Luck +5, Max Damage +3). Effects cannot be stacked. The stat increase will disappear if this item is removed from the Homestead.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Floral Shield
(You can manifest the power of the Flower Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Healing Bubble
(You can manifest the power of the Bubble Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Fynni Punch
(You can manifest the power of the Punching Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Rush of Wind (You can manifest the power of the Gust Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Pulling Force
(You can manifest the power of the Vector Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Basic Fynn Bead: Repelling Force
(You can manifest the power of the Vector Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank F or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Floral Shield
(You can manifest the power of the Flower Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Healing Bubble
(You can manifest the power of the Bubble Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Fynni Punch
(You can manifest the power of the Punching Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Rush of Wind
(You can manifest the power of the Gust Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Pulling Force
(You can manifest the power of the Vector Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- *New* Faded Intermediate Fynn Bead: Repelling Force
(You can manifest the power of the Vector Fynni through Fynn Bead Burnishing, a Pet Training skill. You can burnish with Fynn Bead Burnishing skill Rank A or higher.)
- Harmonious Cosmos Perfume
- Transformative Aster Perfume
- *New* Courageous Borage Perfume
(Increases the number of Fynn Bead slots from 1 to 2)
- *New* Potent Courageous Borage Perfume
(Increases the number of Fynn Bead slots from 2 to 3)
- Bonding Violet Perfume
- Potent Bonding Violet Perfume
- *New* Mag Mell Mission Pass - Forest of Four Seasons (Hard) (Expires: 7 Days) (Allowable Trades: 1)
(Use this pass to visit the deeper areas of the Forest of Four Seasons.)
- *New* Mag Mell Mission Pass - Dynamic Lands (Hard) (Expires: 7 Days) (Allowable Trades: 1)
(Use this pass to visit the deeper areas of the Dynamic Lands.)