Server Merge Celebration Sales
5/21/2019 2:21:31 PM

Abyss Dragon Box (1) |
Abyss Dragon Box
(11) |
Abyss Dragon Box
(45) |

Summer Vacation Shopping Bag (F) |
Summer Vacation Shopping Bag (M) |
Beach Party Shopping Bag (F) |
Beach Party Shopping Bag (M) |
Baltane Summer Vacation Package (F) |
Baltane Summer Vacation Package (M) |
Baltane Summer Vacation Total Package |

Spiritual Growth Package
Package Details
Spiritual Growth Package
- 1x Receiver of Nao's Blessing Title Coupon
- 3x Tendering Potion SSS
- 1x Meditation Potion (Strong)
- 5x Golden Experience Fruit (500%)
- 1x Forgetful Potion
Receiver of Nao's Blessing Title Coupon
- Use this coupon to unlock the Receiver of Nao's Blessing Title.
- Title Expires after 24 hours.
- Stats: Max Damage +10, STR +5, INT +5, DEX +5, Will +5, Luck +5,
Speed 1%, and All Skills EXP x2.
- When defeating monsters as a party in a Shadow Mission, Theatre Mission, or Dungeon, party members will receive EXP x1.5, and the title bearer
will receive EXP x2.
- Bonuses stack with Talent Bonuses.
Meditation Potion (Strong)
- Use this potion to increase your EXP by 30% of the current level every
36 minutes that you maintain the Rest Skill, for 3 days.
- Rebirthing removes the potions effects.
- The Meditation time resets upon canceling the Rest Skill.
- Exp will only be gained if you are level 120 or below
Tendering Potion SSS
- Use this potion to make any monster seem like boss monsters for 10 minutes.
- Cannot be traded
- Can be stored in bank, shared in bank, and can drop.

Homestead Expansion Permit (Stage 1)
Homestead Expansion Permit (Stage 2)
Homestead Expansion Permit (Stage 3) Package
We-Haul Homesteads Ticket |
Homestead Expansion Permit (Stage 1) Details:
- Requires Homestead Level 14 or higher
- Increases the width and length of a Homestead to 55x55
Homestead Expansion Permit (Stage 2) Details:
- Requires Homestead Expansion Permits (Stage 1)
- Increases the width and length of a Homestead to 61x61
Homestead Expansion Permit (Stage 3) Package Details:
- Requires Homestead Expansion Permits (Stage 2)
- Increases the width and length of a Homestead to 67x67
- Also contains 300 Homestead Stones

New Journey Doll Bag Box (1) |
New Journey Doll Bag Box
(3) |
New Journey Doll Bag Box
(5) |

Inventory Expansion Coupon |
- This coupon expands your Basic, Me, and VIP inventory by 1 column.
- This coupon can only be used two times expanding your inventory to a
maximum of 8x10.
- This coupon does not expand bags.
- You must be cumulative level 500 to be able to purchase with NX Credit.
50% Off Pet Adoption Medal
Pet Adoption Medal |
- A pet may only be traded up to 5 times.
- Once adopted, the name of the pet must be changed, and the original name
cannot be reused.
- Cannot be used on Limited Duration pets.
- The pet's inventory must be completely emptied before being put up for adoption.
Payment Limitations: This item can only be purchased with NX Prepaid