[EXTENDED] Master Plan Event
6/4/2018 9:06:10 PM

It's time for the Mabinogi Master Plan Event to return! For the next nine weeks, get free Ace rebirths, claim free items each weekend, and more as we start the summer off to a flying start! Check out the full details here.
Master Buffs
New Event Dates: Thursday, June 7, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 16, Before Maintenance
Buff Details:
- Every day: All Repair Fee 50% Off
- Monday: Combat x2 EXP, Pet x2 EXP
- Tuesday: Combat x2 EXP, Pet x2 EXP
- Wednesday: Mission Completion x2 EXP, Pet x2 EXP
- Thursday: Mission Completion x2 EXP, Pet x2 EXP
- Friday: All Skill x2 EXP, Crusader x2 EXP
- Saturday: All Skill x2 EXP, Crusader x2 EXP
- Sunday: All Skill x2 EXP, Crusader x2 EXP
Master Log in Rewards
Event Details:
Log in on the noted days to claim your prizes! Collect 7 Black Swan Outfit Box Coupons to receive a Black Swan Outfit Box. When you open the box, you will receive the version that matches your character's gender.
- Every weekend from June 9th: Rebirth Potion (Can only receive one per weekend)(Expiration: 7-days)
- Every weekend after the G21 Update: One Black Swan Outfit Box Coupon
Grab different prizes every week!
- Saturday, June 9: Complete Skill EXP Potion Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, June 10: Platinum Hammer of Durability Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Saturday, June 16: Extra Equipment Slot Coupon Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, June 17: Homestead Stone Mining Permit Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Saturday, June 23: Lucky Red Upgrade Stone Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, June 24: Enchant Protection Potion Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Saturday, June 30: Lucky Blue Upgrade Stone Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, July 1: Fine Reforging Tool Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Wednesday, July 4 - Sunday, July 8: (Can only be received once per account)
- Saturday, July 7: Platinum Hammer of Durability Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, July 8: Protective Red Upgrade Stone Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Saturday, July 14: Rusty Hammer of Proficiency Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, July 15: Protective Blue Upgrade Stone Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Saturday, July 21: Golden Hammer of Durability Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, July 22: Trade Unlock Potion Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Saturday, July 28: Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, July 29: Credne's Reforging Tool Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Saturday, August 4: Dungeon Boost Set Box (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, August 5: Style Tab Coupon (30-day) (Expiration: 15-days)
- Saturday, August 11: Direct Dye Ampoule (Event) (Expiration: 15-days)
- Sunday, August 12: Skill Training Seal (50) Box (Expiration: 15-days)
Master Ace Rebirths
Event Dates:Thursday, June 28th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 1st, Before Maintenance.
Event Details:
- Rebirth into an Ace Talent for free during the event period!
- Week 4 (June 28 – July 4): Free Culinary Artist Rebirth
- Week 5 (July 5 – July 11): Free Starlet Rebirth
- Week 6 (July 12 – July 18): Free Merlin Rebirth
- Week 7 (July 19 – July 25): Free Treasure Hunter Rebirth
- Week 8 (July 26 – August 1): Free Professor J Rebirth
Explorer's Free Season Event
Event Dates: Thursday, June 7, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 2, Before Maintenance
Event Details:
- Head to Dunbarton to register a main character at Seal Merchant of the Explorer's League.
- After registering a main character, you will start to receive the daily quests for that week.
- Every two weeks the daily quest will change.
- If you do not finish the previous week's quest, then it will be replaced with next week's category.
- Completing the daily quests will reward an Experience Seal for that category.
Quest Details:
- Week 1-2 (June 7, After Maintenance - June 21, Before Maintenance): Farming Quests
- Week 3-4 (June 21, After Maintenance - July 5, Before Maintenance): Fishing Quests
- Week 5-6 (July 5, After Maintenance - July 19, Before Maintenance): Part-time Quests
- Week 7-8 (July 19, After Maintenance - August 2, Before Maintenance): Exploration Quests
Reward Details:
- Collect 10 Farming Experience Seals and complete 'The Path of a Farmer' quest: Enchant Protection Potion and Farmer Title Coupon
- Collect 10 Fishing Experience Seals and complete 'The Path of an Angler' quest: Enchant Protection Potion and Angler Title Coupon
- Collect 10 Part-time Experience Seals and complete 'The Path of a Part-timer' quest: Enchant Protection Potion and Part-timer Title Coupon
- Collect 10 Exploration Experience Seals and complete 'The Path of an Explorer' quest: Enchant Protection Potion and Seasoned Explorer Title Coupon