Mission Point Event
7/10/2017 11:37:02 AM

AFK events got you down? Get ready for the return of Mission Point Event! It's time to power through some missions and earn points for some sweet new prizes! It's your time to shine Milletians, show us what non-AFKs can accomplish!!
Mission Point Event
Event Dates: Thursday, July 20 - Thursday, August 24
Event Details:
- Log into Mabinogi and speak to the Mission Point Shopkeeper in Dunbarton to register a character for the event.
- You can reset five daily missions per day. Once reset you will be rewarded a new random mission.
- Notes: All consumables from the event expire, except for the Nao Soul Stones.
- Complete the Monthly Attendance Mission to receive a Joy Point Box that will reward you a 30-day expirable Enchant Protection Potion.
- Daily Missions reset everyday at 7 AM PDT time and Weekly Missions reset every Thursday at 7 AM PDT.
- Complete the daily, weekly, and monthly missions to claim points!
- Redeem the points in the Point Shop for cool prizes!
Mission Point Shop:
Gain points from completing missions and redeem them for any of the following items:
11000 Points
11000 Points
6000 Points
6000 Points
Spirit Liqueur of Blessing:500 Points
Nao's Soul Stone (Event):300 Points
Unrestricted Dungeon Pass(Event):300 Points
Pet EXP Potion (1 day):300 Points
Skill Training Seal (10):300 Points
Potion Support Box:200 Points
Training Potion Support Box:200 Points
Full Recovery Potion:100 Points
Mission Reward Box100 Points
Ferghus's Free Repair Coupon:100 Points
Mission Reward Box Contents:
Each Mission Reward Box contains a random item from the following list:
Mysterious Robe
Squirrel Helmet
Rabbit Mask
Carrot Chewing Rabbit Mask
Blue Upgrade Stone (Expirable/Not Tradable)
Red Upgrade Stone (Expirable/Not Tradable)
Close Combat Skill Training Seal
Archery Skill Training Seal
Martial Arts Skill Training Seal
Lance Combat Skill Training Seal
Ninja Skill Training Seal
Music Skill Training Seal
Puppetry Skill Training Seal
Transmutation Skill Training Seal
Gunslinger Skill Training Seal
Magic Skill Training Seal
Battle Alchemy Skill Training Seal
Holy Arts Skill Training Seal
Cooking Skill Training Seal
Tailoring Skill Training Seal
Weaving Skill Training Seal
Handicraft Skill Training Seal
Refining Skill Training Seal
Blacksmithing Skill Training Seal
Potion Making Skill Training Seal
Production Mastery Skill Training Seal
Carpentry Skill Training Seal
Magic Craft Skill Training Seal
Hillwen Engineering Skill Training Seal
Shyllien Ecology Skill Training Seal
First Aid Skill Training Seal
Hero Talent Skill Training Seal
Special Tendering Potion S
MP 100 Potion x5
HP 100 Potion x5
Stamina 100 Potion x5
Wound Remedy 100 Potion SE x3
AP Potion 5
Magic Power Potion
Potent High Speed Gathering Potion
Speed Walk Potion 40%
Combat 2x EXP Potion (30 min)