Commemorate Mabi-Generations with New Doll Bags!
1/5/2015 5:31:15 PM

Did you miss your favorite NPCs over the holiday break? Wouldn't it have been nice to bring their pocket-sized personas along for the ride? Well now you can, thanks to fantastic new Doll Bags modeled after your favorite Mabinogi buddies, on sale now in the cash shop. These pint-sized buddies are only available for a limited time, so act fast!
Sale Dates:
Wednesday, Jan. 21 - Wednesday, Feb. 11 (22 days)
Sale Details:
Open up the Generations Doll Bag Box to receive a random tradeable Doll Bag Box modelled after your favorite character(s). This box will contains an applicable bag, which gives a nice boost to inventory space and the ability to summon up the accompanying doll(s). These little all-stars will scarf up gold and in some cases, other goodies too!
Generations Doll Bag Box |
What's in a Generations Doll Bag Box?
Inside you'll receive a random box, which identifies the bag you've earned. This box is tradeable, however once it's opened you will receive the applicable bag and will be unable to trade it. The bag and its accompanying summonable companion are now yours forever.
The Generations Doll Bag Box awards one of the below random options:
- Heroes of the Goddess Doll Bag (rare!)
- Summoning Time: 2.5 hrs (summons Ruairi, Mari and Tarlach all at once)
- Inventory Size: 9x9
- Bag Size: 4x3
- Bonus: STR+5, DEX+7, INT+7, WIL+5, Luck+7, MaxDmg+17, Crit+5, Prot+4, Def+5
- Gathers: Gold
- Friends of the Goddess Doll Bag (rare!)
- Summoning TIme: 4 hrs (summons Ferghus, Kristell, and Young Tarlach all at once)
- Inventory Size: 9x10
- Bag Size: 4x3
- Bonus: Luck+5, MaxDmg+5, Crit+5
- Gathers: Gold, weaving materials, tailoring materials, herbs, some potions, gems, ores (excluding Hillwen ores)
- Ruari Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 2 hrs
- Inventory Size: 7x7
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: MaxDmg+5, Prot+1
- Gathers: Gold
- Mari Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 2 hrs
- Inventory Size: 6x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: DEX+2, Luck+1
- Gathers: Gold
- Tarlach Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 2 hrs
- Inventory Size: 6x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: INT+2, Luck+1
- Gathers: Gold
- Ferghus Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 3 hrs
- Inventory Size: 6x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: STR+5
- Gathers: Gold, gems, ores (exlcuding Hillwen ores)
- Kristell Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 3 hrs
- Inventory Size: 6x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: DEX+5
- Gathers: Gold, weaving materials, tailoring materials
- Young Tarlach Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 3 hrs
- Inventory Size: 8x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: INT+5
- Gathers: Gold, herbs and some potions
Note: You can mix and match these bags to combine their Bonus attributes, but only 3 dolls may be summoned at a time.