Rhetoi Rabbit Costume Character Card
3/19/2013 11:02:01 AM
The winner of the Costume Design Contest was chosen and their outfit is being released just in time for Easter! Rhetoi of Mari wowed the judges with an adorable rabbit design, and now this furry look can be yours! Pick up the Rabbit Character Card from
March 20th to April 1st to create a new character with a cute and cuddly appearance or rebirth your existing character with a new appearance. This card grants a special costume set and a powerful title for those who want to be cute and powerful at the same time.

Rabbit Outfit Set (M)
Rhetoi's Rabbit Suit, Rhetoi's Rabbit Gloves, Rhetoi's Rabbit Boots, Rhetoi's Rabbit Hat
Rabbit Outfit Set (F)
Rhetoi's Rabbit Suit, Rhetoi's Rabbit Gloves, Rhetoi's Rabbit Boots, Rhetoi's Rabbit Hat
Lucky Bunny Prefix Title
Luck +10, Stamina +25, and Intelligence +5!

Follow our trail of carrots to the cash shop and get your Rhetoi Rabbit Suit Character Card!