Return of the Hero: Mysteries of Erinn
10/18/2010 6:53:54 PM
With each new chapter of Mabinogi's story, more answers and mysteries are revealed. While we've told you many of the surprises coming in Return of the Hero, there are some secrets we're not quite ready to show. There are whispers of great things; treasures and rewards for the most daring of heroes. We firmly believe that those that put in the work should receive the reward...
... but there's no harm in showing you a few screenshots, now is there?

This strange new place looks nothing like the rest of Erinn! What is this? It's so perfect and beautiful. Nothing natural resides in this unknown building comprised of nothing but layers and logic laid out so elegantly.

The sword this giant is bearing certainly looks familiar, but from where? Wait, could it be!? Is this THAT sword?
As we said, each new chapter reveals both mysteries and answers. While certain Mabinogi veterans may recognize this sword, it doesn't exactly answer all questions. Why was it brought here? What role does it play now?

The last piece of the puzzle makes both more and less sense than the others. What strange light is this? When does this photo take place: before or after the others? Is... is it alive?
Erinn's secrets are many. Only the bravest, cleverest, and most determined of all heroes may unravel them. If you do, however, it's no secret that treasures and answers await you.
Return of the Hero: Coming to Mabinogi October 20th, 2010.