Trick or Treat? Why not both? Pumpkin Pets out now!

ANNOUNCE 10/13/2010 2:37:03 AM
You feel it in the air as gusts of wind blows the first fallen leaves of autumn across the cobblestone walkways of Dunbarton. Heavier clothing helps combat chillier mornings and evenings. Pumpkin patch farmers are finally beginning harvest their year’s yield. What does this mean? Halloween is almost here! To celebrate the new autumn season as well as the holiday, we’re releasing two new permanent pets: Trick and Treat!

Looking at the pets, it seems like Trick Pumpkins were on the wrong side of the old “Trick or Treat” saying! When creating your Trick Pumpkin, be sure to check out some of the fancy colors you can choose.

Treat seems to have fared much better. Treat Pumpkins are quite happy, and reasonably so: a delicious-looking lollipop bobs in front of their happy faces, dangling from the vine on their heads. Just like a Trick Pumpkin, you can choose the color of your Treat Pumpkin.

Trick and Treat Pumpkins have a very interesting ability called “Detection.” With a bright glow, the candle inside the pumpkin will get brighter near Fomors and trap triggers in the Shadow Realm.  In fact, having a Trick or Treat Pumpkin will virtually eliminate the need for an Arat berry!

Head to the pumpkin patch today! Get some NX!

No tricks but lots of treats! Check out this FREE NX Offer!