The Family System!
10/8/2010 6:12:16 PM
You've adventured into the world of Mabinogi for a long time. Fought wars, learned your craft, and even gained the favor of the goddess. Don't you think it's time you settle down and start a family?
The family system is here! Similar to a guild, the Family System allows a small group of friends to gather under specific beliefs and values, drawing strength from those they trust most.
Read on for more!

In order to start a family, you must be married. Once this is complete, talk to Sinead, who will sell you a "Family Emblem". It will look just like this! This Family Emblem is blank. Adopt other Mabinogians into your family and declare a custom. Let's fill these in and see what we get...

Behold! A full and happy family! Every family has their own beliefs. This one believes "Ladies First" and will never harm a female creature in Erinn. Family members that fail this will be stricken by a bolt of lightning from the heavens. Yow!
There's a benefit to being in such a family, though. Everyone gets a free title! Additionally, the father of the family has the power to summon any family member to their current location. Handy!
The family that adventures together, stays together! Look for the Family System in the next update: "Return of the Hero".