Erinn Weekly - June 11, 2010
6/11/2010 1:31:56 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, June 11, 2010
Greetings Mabinogians!
This is the big week. Goddess of Light goes live and Erinn Weekly is all over it! The bulletin for the Dunbarton Adventurer's Association. Our goal is to help you get the most out of your fantasy life. Read up on all the new features in Goddess of Light including fashion shows, Tara, jousting and more. There's an amazing sale on magic carpets and Arabian fashions, a festival to enjoy and new ways to pick up some much-needed NX!. We also take a look at the "whole new world" of magic carpets and Arabian outfits and find out what you're planning to do with them (hint: most of you seem to have a certain Disney movie on the brain!). All this plus screenshots and Alchemist stuff in Gachapon! Check out everything that happened this week in Erinn and always remember that 10,000 years in a a lamp can give you such a crick in the neck!
Welcome to Mabinogi: Goddess of Light!
Goddess of Light is finally here! With it comes a slew of new features including new skills, new shadow missions, and new ways to spend your time while enjoying your fantasy life in Erinn!
Read all about it!
Nexon introduces Bill2Mobile!
Do you like to buy NX? Do you use a cellphone? We do too. That's why we're introducing mobile payments. introducing Charge Mobile by Nexon.
Get the details here
Mabinogi Events
Celebrate the Tara Festival!
The capital city of Tara welcomes you with a festival to rival the ages! Midway game vendors have lined the area just north of the Tara town square. For two weeks, between June 9th and June 22nd, you will be able to participate in the Tara Festival.
Celebrate with us!
Fashion Contest
Style! Grace! Poise! Rhythm! Appearance and fashion can impact a player’s social status in Mabinogi. So what better way is there to have fun with fashion than in a new mini-game called “The Fashion Contest.” This new added feature allows players to strut their stuff and walk the runway to compete for the “Best Fashion Sense” in Mabinogi.
Looking good!
The Marketplace
Magic Carpet Super Sale! Buy one, get one 50% off!
Magic Carpet pets are now for sale in the Premium Shop! You have two options: the limited time Royal Magic Carpet and the regular Magic Carpet. The Royal Magic Carpet acts as a one-seater flying vehicle. The Magic Carpet is a two-seater, but goes noticeably slower than the Royal Magic Carpet. In addition to taking to the skies, the Magic Carpets have the same ability of Magic Brooms to move speedily along the ground as well! Go for a ride!Arabian Nights come to Mabinogi!
Persian fashion seems all the rage these days, and it’s about time Mabinogi adopted the trend. So for the next three weeks, you can purchase Arabian Night character cards in the premium shop. These limited time cards let you dress your characters in fancy outfits that perfectly embody the adventurous spirit in all Mabinogians!
A whole new world!Limited-time Alchemist Gachapon
Like the way Alchemist Dorren dresses? Wish Cai would put his clothes up for sale? Been a long-time admirer of Leymore’s fashion sense? If so, then put away your fashion envy, because for a limited time, you have the opportunity to obtain some of these characters’ special outfits all for yourself.
Get the details here!Question of the Week
Which magic carpet are you planning to buy and how are you planning on using it? Will you also pick up the Arabian Nights costume?

It's a whole new world this week as Mabinogi introduces two versions of a flying carpet as well as two new Arabian Nights outfits. It looks like we hit quite a nerve though, because the response to both our 50% off carpet sale has been spectacular. Most Mabinogians seem really excited about picking up the magic carpet, just because they look so cool. Others are getting ready to live out their Disney cartoon fantasies by zipping around the desert singing cute songs. We can't wait to see you all flying above the skies of Tara in your new look!
"Three wishes, to be exact. And ixnay on the wishing for more wishes. That's all. Three. Uno, dos, tres. No substitutions, exchanges or refunds. – Genie, Erinn philosopher
Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:
"Okay, like seriously who didn't ever imagine themselves as a lowly street rat who finds the coolest carpet in the world. Not only is it fast, slick as silk, and it also happens to be a lady killer. Aladdin didn't have a chance until he got that sick ride! Maybe that'll be the trick for me to finally find that special someone." – Romulus S.
"Both of the carpets look great! Since it's "buy 1 and get second half off," I'll buy both! It would be so convenient to use them to fly over Iria and Tara. Saves time and get to view the great scenery of the places! Also, they provide great storage room to put all the stuff I have! Don't think anyone can miss such great deal! I'll be buying the Arabian Night Costume as well, since it's limited edition, I would dye it and put it in the bank. Well, maybe wearing once or twice on special occation wouldn't hurt" – Jim H.
"I'm planning on buying both of them and the Arabian nights costume. The Royal Carpet is for me to get to where I need as quick as possible, and the other carpet is used to take my in-game wife around on romantic dates while we are in out Arabian Costumes as the sun goes down." – Elden C.
Magic Carpet Super Sale!
Arabian Nights Outfits!
Community Spotlight
Goddess of Light: Screenshots
The Goddess of Light is here! Braver warriors may discover the new light powers that exist to be found somewhere in the world of Erinn. Come check out this thread of people posting their Awakening of Light screenshots to see the beauty and power of these new abilities.
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