Jousting Tournament Preview

ANNOUNCE 5/28/2010 6:48:17 PM
Jousting! A game of luck, mind games, and skill. The capital city of Tara houses this new form of combat. While you are welcome to battle each other for practice, Tara’s citizens will also oversee a daily tournament for rare prizes!

What do you need to know in order to participate? What preparations must be made? Read on to see a full break down!

These are the Jousting grounds where the tournaments will be held.  Although Practice Rounds are available 24/7, tournaments are held at a very specific time: 7 PM each day. Sign ups are only available for the ten minutes before a tournament starts. Be ready well before time starts in order to not be left in the dust.

Once you’re in the tournament, you’ll get your own horse and weaponry. This is no normal combat. To attack, you must choose which attack you’re using. Each attack is mapped to either A,S,W, or D. There’s no perfect attack, so pick carefully. Are you ready?

Wham! The success of your attack depends on attack the opponent picked. This is where the mind games begin. Do you know that you’re friend ALWAYS picks “W”? Do they pick “D” when they’re mad? Size up your opponent and take your shot.

With each win, the victor receives points while the loser drops points. Using your victory notches to go buy Jousting gear!

Train hard, because the winners of the daily tournaments get a ticket to the Big Game. Every Sunday is a showdown between the server’s strongest and most clever. Register at 6:30 PM, the tournament will begin at 7:00 PM. If a minimum of eight players do not register for the tournament, the tournament will not take place.

Jousting is a fierce activity. Stick with it, though, and you can become one of the champions of Tara. Thank you for joining us in this preview of another aspect of the great city!