Four New Cash Shop Items

ANNOUNCE 4/7/2010 2:29:50 AM
Four brand new cash shop items have been added to the cash shop, and they are designed to make your Fantasy Life just a little bit easier.

Enchant Protection Potion

The Enchant Protection Potion will guard your prized possessions against the mishandling of enchanting materials. Sometimes, when placing an enchantment on an item, the enchant will fail and damage the target item. By pre-coating the item with this special salve, you can ward off a bad enchant before it damages your item!

Repair Protection Potion

It’s a fact of Fantasy Life that items slowly lose durability through constant use. Eventually, the time comes when the item must be repaired, and the services of certain esteemed Bangor blacksmith is a bit out of the price range of Erinn residents. Repairs come cheap from friendlier – albeit, clumsier – smithies and tailors. You can enjoy the more cost-effective craftsmen’s services without the risk of devastating durability loss by using Repair Protection potions.

Production Failure Potion

Practice makes perfect.” Such a phrase could never be closer to the truth in regards to Life skills in Mabinogi! Sometimes, you have to learn from your failures in order to succeed in the future. A Production Failure Potion will give you the butterfingers you need in order to fail your way to success!

Potion of Proficiency

With age comes wisdom and skill. While many Milletians inhabit the world of Erinn as teens, the ability to master equipment and weapons comes faster to those who have the world experience to know what is what. If you’re attached to your teenage body and enjoy the perks of being young, but want to have the weapon proficiency gain of a twenty-five-year-old, pick up a Potion of Proficiency. This potion will grant you the skills and wisdom of a 25 year-old to hone your item proficiency!